I have something interesting (read strange) going on.
When I sleep, upon waking, in that space between consciousness and unconsciousness, I find myself writing. That is, I find my mind filled with lines as if they are being set to page. The tone is clear, voice strong. Only problem is that the stories are not stories that I have lived. I’m currently reading, Mary Karr’s The Art of Memoir. I appear to writing a memoir but it is not mine.
Sometimes, if I read a lot, right before bed, I have something similar happen. I will wake up reading. I continue reading the book, in the style of the writer, (making it up as go, apparently) in my sleep. This only happens when I’ve been reading for a long time before going to sleep. My assumption is then, that reading The Art of Memoir has my brain working overtime thinking about writing my memoir.
I have thought about writing a memoir (or three… I’ve lived many lives) for years. I’ve been told by countless people that I need to write one. I’ve assumed that some day I would write one but… Every time that I’ve thought about it I’ve become so overwhelmed that I just put that thought right away…some day.
The prospect of writing a book is intimidating, for anyone, I assume, but my overwhelm has been paralyzing. Where would I start? How would I know what parts of my life to include? Would I be able to remember enough detail? Should I reread all of my journals? And on and on. There is another reason though (or reasons, kinda).
I saw this on Facebook recently…

This trips me up… The other people part. A memoir is about the writer, your stories, what you’ve learned but… We do not live in a vacuum and those stories often include others.
There are many others throughout my life that would not come off the best. There are many ways that I wouldn’t either but that’s fine. I own my past fully but… Those others. I have a tendency to avoid talking about people in my past, other then with those closest to me, because it’s complicated. Things are never black and white and I don’t want anyone to come off as a villain. There are no villains in this story, only wounded people. I feel the need to protect those people, though they did not feel that same need towards me. *sigh*
There’s also the issue of my mother. I’ve always felt terrified at the prospect of my mom reading any book that I might write. She is one of those that I feel the need to protect and, well, even though I live with her, she really knows nothing about my life. I think I’d prefer to keep it that way. I don’t want to hurt her and I’m not a fan of drama. My guess is that she wouldn’t even read it and if she did happen to, she would just sweep the whole thing under the rug. Never happened. That is her go to.
When I was in my early twenties, I had her come to a therapy session with me. I had gotten a tattoo and had been hiding it from her….

The session did not go well. There was no drama, but there was no honesty on her part either(other than her telling me, directly after said appointment, that my therapist was not to be trusted because… She was gay… You have got to be kidding me). The anger I felt over the dishonesty prompted a conversation (more just me crying and rambling and admitting all of what I thought would have been my failings in her eyes). You see, up until that point, I believed that my mom didn’t love me, or that any love that she had for me was dependant upon me living up to the image that she held of me. The actual me could not be further from her held image. What I learned was that my mom loves me to the best of her ability. That ability does not include changing that image. She can hear it and continue to love me but she can’t hold it. Denial is her survival. It’s the only thing she knows and she is not self aware enough to know more.
I am though. I am self aware enough to see that all of this, while valid, is also an excuse so that I can self sabotage. I am called to write a book. Maybe several. I have been for basically my entire life. I think I’m finally finding my footing. Maybe I can finally do what’s right for me, regardless of my desire to protect those around me. Maybe I can finally put myself first. Admittedly, even writing that, put myself first, feels icky. I’m getting there though. One foot in front of the other. One step at a time.
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Yes! One step at a time… you’ve got this!
Thank you☺️❤️