Bam, reduce your junk mail

I just started reading How To Give Up Plastic by Will McCallum. I was surprised to realize that I already do some of the things that they recommend. Such as using a reusable water bottle, rarely eating out and using plastic utensils/straws/food containers, using a shampoo and conditioner bar wrapped in compostable materials. Now, that I’m thinking, I also use bamboo toothbrushes that are also compostable.

Anyway, the point is that I am and have been making changes and I’d like to share them here. So… I found out (not from the book, I can’t recall where) that you can register to reduce the amount of junk mail that you receive, and I wanted to leave that link here. You just register and pay five dollars for processing and bam,10 years of reduced junk mail.

Calling the Kettle Black

I got some reusable grocery bags and some books on living more sustainably.

Originally, I intended to just tell you guys and let you know that I will share any changes that I make in my life attempting to minimize my impact but… Then I saw this.

The tone of the meme suggests that making changes in our personal lives is pointless. We may as well just give up. I call bullshit.

Yes, I absolutely agree that behaviors like flying across the world for cheesecake make a larger impact than someone using paper straws or something similar. I also agree, wholeheartedly that we need to push back against the behaviors of the rich, whether it be celebrities, business’s or government but that doesn’t mean we just give up.

I believe every little bit counts but also, it’s the right thing to do. If you’re saying well Kim Kardashian is doing x,y or z so I don’t have to do anything, you’re just as bad as they are, in my opinion.

This is an argument that I see come up a lot…More of the problem is coming from big business so individual action is futile, we should be lobbying our representatives instead of reducing our impact. If that is what you are called to do, please do that. However, for me it seems the opposite. I can’t see the government or any business making any changes unless or until they see that the public wants it. How do we show that we want it? By living the change. So, that’s what I’m going to do. Join me or don’t but please, for the love of God, don’t just sit there twiddling your thumbs while calling out other people. That helps no one.