Have you the courage to change?

I was listening to music on YouTube Music. Just a random playlist that is supposed to include all of my tastes (YouTube Music does a pretty good job diversifying my playlists, that’s why I use it, but it definitely does not include all of my tastes. I find I have to actively find something and listen to it before the genre is included, as opposed to just including all of my liked music), and the song Courage to Change by Sia played. I found myself annoyed.

If you aren’t aware, Sia received a lot of backlash, from the autistic community in particular, over her movie Music. Criticism includes her decision to use a non autistic actress for the role of Music (who is an autistic character), the portrayal of said character being inaccurate and coming across as a caricature, Music’s character being used as a prop to support other characters stories, rather than having a story of her own, and the depiction of prone restraint (which is dangerous and can result in death) used as the way to handle Music’s autistic meltdowns.

I agree, the movie is highly problematic. And if you, or anyone feels the need to stop listening to Sia’s music on that basis, I get it. I, however, do not. Personally, I’ve found many of Sia’s songs emotionally cathartic and therefore helpful, for me…. But now I can’t listen to this song without feeling annoyed. I mean, I didn’t know Sia, have you the courage to change?

From an interview that I recently saw in a video from Meg, of I’m Autistic, Now What?, it appears that Sia may have deluded herself into believing that the criticism was not real. That it stemmed from crazy conspiracy theories 🤷 If that is the case, it doesn’t seem an apology or promised changes to the movie (such as a warning or removal of the restraint scenes) is forthcoming.

I am annoyed with my annoyance. What do you think? Is it possible to remove the artist from the art? Or should we distance ourselves from the art itself when the artist is problematic in some way? Please comment, let me know your opinion.