I mentioned recently, that I used to have an official diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder with Avoidant and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder traits. I don’t know about you but to me, that diagnosis screams autism.
Of course, it isn’t easy to get an autism diagnosis. The misinformation and misunderstandings by society alone are widespread and it isn’t just society. Many, many, many clinicians supposedly qualified for autism assessment and diagnosis hold these same beliefs. Most clinicians have no training on autism and no idea how it can present.
My being female and not presenting as the “autism stereotype” made it very unlikely that anyone would see my behavior as stemming from autism. Add to that, at the time that I received this diagnosis, I was in a state of extreme burnout and having violent meltdowns daily (or multiple times a day). Borderline Personality Disorder it is.
Now that I know that I am autistic, this brings my former diagnoses into question. Did I ever have a personality disorder (or 3?), or was it all unrecognized autism? I know that some people, after being diagnosed with autism, still identify with their previous diagnoses. They feel it still pertains to their life and mind. I’m not sure that I do.
I currently do not meet the diagnostic criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder although at the time, I did. I never did meet the criteria for OCPD or AVPD, hence the diagnosis of traits. Having just looked up the criteria for their diagnosis, I can say, quite firmly, that the reason they didn’t fully fit is because they didn’t fit at all. The symptoms my therapist was attempting to attribute to the traits of those personality disorders were all autism. So, what about BPD?
Here is where things get a little tricky in my mind. Like I said, I did meet the criteria. I was nine for nine, in fact. Not only that but I related, heavily, to the diagnosis but… I do not anymore.
If I go through the criteria and look at the ways these symptoms impacted my life, I can see how they could have been caused by being undiagnosed autistic and existing in a world not created for or accepting of my natural ways of being. To me, it seems obvious that living in a world that invalidates your very existence at every turn could lead to things like an unstable sense of self, chronic feelings of emptiness, shit, even self harming behaviors… But does that mean that I had a personality disorder? Did the trauma of being undiagnosed autistic cause a personality disorder? If so, where did it go, I don’t have a personality disorder now? Or did my autism present in a way that was similar at a time in my life where I was way beyond my limits? Does it even matter?
The thing is, autism exists physically, it is a difference in brain structure. BPD is just a construct made up of symptoms that have a negative impact on a person’s life and relationships. I could say that I used to have Borderline Personality Disorder and now I don’t. That’s technically true but I think it’s too complex, people are too complex, brains are to complex, life is too complex…I am too complex to be able to ever take a stand that is that black and white.
What I do know is that not realizing that I am autistic until my forties, living life as a seemingly failing neurotypical, has caused significant amounts of trauma (hello, can you say understatement). I do know that I am not the only one (far from it) to be impacted in this way. So, I suppose this comes back to what it always seems to come back to for me. That is the need for better education and awareness around autism and the myriad ways it presents. If you are able to, tell your stories.
What do you think? Did you have diagnoses prior to your autism diagnosis? Do you feel they were accurate or misdiagnosis? What was the impact on your life?