I saw this meme on Facebook the other day and it got me thinking.

Looking at this through the lens of my life has brought up some things for me. Throughout my life, I have struggled with my ability to connect with others. This is a varied and complex subject, I only want to go into one facet of that currently.
I have always found it easiest to connect to those that I have been in intimate relationship with, i.e. those I’m having sex with. Other than the handful of people that I have been close to for various other reasons…No sex = no connection…
I’ve always assumed that this stemmed from issues relating to early childhood sexual abuse and, you know what? It probably does to some degree but… I’m thinking there’s more to it than that.
I’m thinking at least part of this is related to a form of safety that I felt in these types of relationships. Men were often smitten with me for the very traits that caused most others to actively dislike me…To talk behind my back (and sometimes in front of me, like I was not even there) about how weird I am, how annoying, creepy, odd..unlikeable I am, often leaving me feeling ostracized and isolated even while in the presence of others. With the men that I was “sleeping” with, I felt able to be myself. No need to mask, my strangeness was celebrated. No wonder I felt a connection, right?
There are many articles (like this one here) about the manic pixie dream girl trope and how it is harmful to autistic women and romanticizes the infantilization of autistic traits. As it’s been well written about, I don’t want to go into detail about that here but… I wonder, was this what was happening in my life? While I felt some semblance of safety in being able to express myself more authentically, was the attraction to me actually more of a reduction of my essence into a harmful stereotype? God knows those relationships did not turn out to be healthy for me. What do you think? Is this meme contributing to that stereotype?
Regardless of how I may have felt, I’m not sure I was actually seen in any of those relationships, other than for what I could do for the other, how I made them feel about themselves… I’m curious, is this a common experience for autistic women (especially undiagnosed)? Or is this just me? I’d love to hear your thoughts, your stories.