I have been seeing a nutritionist/health coach for the past several months. I’m supposed to have an appointment with her today but I cancelled and… I’m filled with guilt.
She, the nutritionist has me doing SCD(specific carbohydrate diet). I’ve made some pretty significant gains in my health since starting the diet, including an increase in energy. I think of it this way, if I had a million steps I’d have to take in energy increases from where I started to get to a healthy energy level, I’ve taken about 100 since the start of the diet. I still have a long way to go but that’s a substantial increase, given I’ve only been going the opposite direction for the past few years.
It was wonderful to feel like I could move. So wonderful that I wanted to move more and more. So I did.
The feeling of freedom from being able to move my body when I have not been able to in so long, combined with a sense of panic caused by a recent health scare (too much to cover here but my naturopath thought there was a worsening in insulin resistance and was advocating for a medication that I do not want to take. False alarm but…) seems to have caused a relapse in some obsessive thoughts/behaviors related to old eating disorders and long story short… I did too much and I crashed hard.
This is not the end of the world, though admittedly it did feel that way. I just need to rest….a lot. So, I cancelled all of my appointments for the week. I’m feeling better. I could technically handle the appointment today but I don’t want to.
I’m going shopping with my sister this weekend. She needs clothes, so does my son. I’ve been looking forward to it and I want to make sure I have the energy to go. I haven’t been able to do something like this in near a year (I’ve done all of my shopping on line). Appointments take a lot out of me and I get so activated that I can’t sleep after.
I do believe I’m making the decision that is best for me right now but…I can’t shake the guilt. I should go to the appointment. I should be able to handle it. I should be a good little girl and not make a fuss or cause any inconvenience for anyone. *Sigh* Man, childhood programming is a bitch.