There is a series of drawings that I’ve had in mind for probably near a decade. I never even attempted starting one because I would need to use colored pencils. I’d never use colored pencils. I decided to do a couple of practice drawings and see how it went. I’m hard on myself but I’d say, overall, they were a success.
The other day, I wrote of feeling creatively stifled. I wrote about how a situation in my life feels too sensitive to speak about publicly at this point, too raw, too vulnerable (which, by the way, I’ve decided that that situation will go in my book. I’ve planned on writing a memoir for like ever but I get too overwhelmed whenever I think about it. Ideas are coalescing. It will happen.) Anyway, this got me thinking about another way that I feel stifled in the creativity department.
I used to make, what I can only call, selfie art. I would edit selfies in a way that transmuted emotion. In the same way that I use drawing to process and purge myself of emotion, I edited my photos in way that enhanced the emotional experience of said photo.
Like any public art form, I had my fans and of course, my haters. I received criticism for using selfies as an art form. Apparently they can’t be art (bitch, anything can be art. Art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder). For posing provocatively (it’s my body, I’ll do with it as I please. Don’t like it, don’t look), and, among other things, being too thin (why people think it’s ok to comment on other bodies is beyond me).
Along with the criticisms of my weight came one comment from a woman who was in her words “fat”. Her claim was that I only shared my photos for attention. That I was only able to do so because of the shape of my body and that I would not do it if I were overweight.
Like all criticism that comes from a place of complete misunderstanding of my intentions, the comment irritated me. My photos, for me, encompassed a wide range of emotion. Some were joyous , and some sensual but the overwhelming majority were expressing the so called “negative” emotions…anger, sadness, abject despair.
Did I feel good about myself in some of my photos? Hell yes, and I don’t see anything wrong with that. I spent years hating myself, that self love was hard fought and well earned (and why is it so horrible for someone to like the way that look? Again, I don’t get it). Again, though, most were a purge of the darkness inside of me. Most were edited in a way that highlighted my flaws. They were intended to make me look “ugly”. The insinuation that I was only sharing for the sake of vanity felt so completely off the mark and I felt, like most of my life, wholly misunderstood.
Here’s the thing, she wasn’t completely wrong. I do not make selfie art anymore. The reason is because I am not currently a fan of my body. Pregnancy + mold toxicity has equalled a lot of weight gain. That said, I didn’t stop making them because I can no longer solicit a response that appeals to my vanity (there is shame around my weight but that’s a whole nother issue). I stopped making selfie art because, for me, “fat” doesn’t translate into the emotions that I need to process and express. What does? Bones. I was very thin at the time I made those photos (underweight actually. Again, illness related. I don’t choose which way it throws me.. under…over…. It’s all illness), and my body was my perfect canvas.
I miss creating selfie art. I am a huge fan of emotional photography. I often see images in life around me and wish I could capture what my eyes see, but nothing works for me in the way that my body did. It just doesn’t.
That said, I did create a few photos of my son the other day. I don’t usually share him in a public forum but I’m making an exception.
I hadn’t drawn in 5 years. I was drawing frequently, almost daily, when I got pregnant with my son. Shortly after I found out that I was pregnant, I got really sick. I wasn’t physically able to draw… And then I had an infant and then a toddler…What I was drawing at the time never got finished.
I’ve felt the need to process some emotions recently and because I’ve had a bit of space, I decided to get myself some drawing pencils and get back into it.
Yesterday, I mentioned that I’ve been doing Primal Trust. Dr. Cat makes it clear that when starting the program, you may feel worse before you feel better. You may have an increase in symptoms, more anxiety, insomnia… While I am already feeling somewhat better, I’m definitely experiencing some of that.
I’ve had a slight increase in energy. When I say slight, I mean that I still have virtually no energy. I can not do much but I can feel the difference. What I do have though, is an abundance of creative energy…. But not enough physical energy to express it all. It’s uncomfortable to say the least, but as I understand it, a good thing. Healing is happening. Things are moving.
Anyway, I guess all of that was just to say, I may be sharing more…more posts, more drawings, more who knows what … We shall seeš¤·