Man, I am full of contradiction today. Just a jumble of juxtaposition.
I’m fairly certain that I’m coming off of the tail end of covid. I say fairly certain because I know that I had an exposure but it was a roundabout kinda thing after which I had an uptick in allergy like symptoms. Nothing horrible except that I was really dizzy and dead fucking tired.
Because of the nature of the exposure and the mild nature of the symptoms, I felt like I was sick but it didn’t seem to make sense that it was covid. Now though? I feel like I did after covid. Not quite as intense but the effect is the same. My chest is heavy, it’s hard to breathe. I’m having chest pains. My back hurts. I have no energy. Symptoms from my chronic illness are increased.
My initial thinking was, well, at least I didn’t get as sick as last time. I was so sick. And you know what? I am grateful I didn’t get that sick but… There is a part of me that is like man, fuck that. If I have to deal with the consequences of having covid, then I might as well have gotten really ill. At least then people acted like I was sick. At least I was allowed to rest. As is, everyone treats me like I’m fine, no matter how awful I say that I feel. I’m not. Fine.
Here’s what’s really bothering me today. The increase in heat intolerance. I realize that I haven’t really gotten into the symptoms of my illness here. Maybe I will someday, maybe not, but heat intolerance/an inability to regulate my body temperature is one of the most significant symptoms. It impacts every second of every day of my life. It also greatly impacts those around me.
The way that this symptoms shows up in my body if beyond difficult to explain and impossible to understand if you aren’t, in fact, inside of my body. I could say that I’m hot all of the time but that isn’t actually true. Though I do need my environment to be cold to function. We basically live inside of a refrigerator. I could also talk about the ways and the things that raise my temperature but you’d hear it through your bodily experience. You’d think, yeah being hot sucks but what’s the big deal? Being hot isn’t the problem. The way that my body reacts to being hot is. I have no words to explain this.
For now, all you need to understand is that I am unable to regulate my body temperature and I need my environment to stay cool so that my other symptoms don’t become life threatening. Also, that as much as it doesn’t make sense, this symptom (along with all the others) is much worse in the winter. Most of the other people I’ve come into contact with this symptom, the opposite is true. They have more difficulty in the summer.
That seems to make more sense, I mean summer is after all, hot. For whatever reason though, summer is easier for me and I typically do better outside. I’ve been able to go to the beach on a hot day. Provided I had plenty of food and water, I did fine. The affects of covid change that. Currently, I can’t go outside for very long without becoming weak and nauseated.
Awhile back, my sister and I were talking about this paradox. I was saying that I am so grateful that the heat intolerance is worse in the winter. It sucks, like really fucking sucks because winter is so much longer than summer and our house, well, it has to be really fucking cold but…. If I wasn’t able to spend time outside. If I wasn’t able to go to the lake and go swimming… That’s when life becomes not worth living.
It’s really hot this week. My sister and I had talked about taking the kids to the lake. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it. Pray for me. Pray that my recovery from this round of the hell that is covid is swift. Pray that my mermaid soul is able to spend time at and in the water where she belongs.
One last thing. I’m feeling really angry and a bit bitter towards my mother. The exposure, in it’s roundabout way, came from her. She spent time with family from out of state…covid ensued. I understand that it isn’t logical. She didn’t do anything wrong, just hung out with her sister who she hasn’t seen in like five years but… There is a pattern here. One in which my mom makes hurtful decisions that involve her loyalty to her family of origin over the family she created. This triggers me.
Illogical. Juxtaposed. Contradictory. Feeling hopeless but holding onto hope. Yeah, just pray for me…
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