I’ve just had a realization.
I’ve been sick for almost 12 years but this is not my first run in with chronic illness. I was sick first, when I was about 19. I was only sick for a year or two and while debilitating, I was not as sick as I have been this time.
The causes of chronic illness, in general, are complex. My situation is no different and I’m not going to go into all of that in this post. What I do want to talk about is my “recovery”.
At the time, I attributed my healing to diet changes. Other than rest forced by the illness and a few supplements (I can’t remember any specifics other than a prenatal multivitamin. That was my doctor’s advice. Rest, take a prenatal and, you know, don’t be stressed). If you’ve read any of my recent posts, you know that I am doing Primal Trust, and that I believe nervous system regulation to be key to healing. Not that I think the diet changes and supplements had nothing to do with my healing, I am positive that they contributed but… What I just realized, is that it was nervous system regulation that was the key.
This… This all comes back to me being undiagnosed autistic. At the time of my healing, I was no longer in school and had just moved into my own house. My ex husband and I were in the best place, relationship wise that we ever were. And I… I had a lot of space to experiment with just being myself. I, my dear readers, was unmasked for the first and dare I say, only time in my life.
My days were spent doing as I pleased with no fear of repercussion. I got up, took a bath, exercised (as I became able), sang (I’ve recently realized that this is my biggest stim), danced… I spent all of my time with my animals or with my then husband, who, at the time, I trusted. At night, we watched movies and I engaged in my special interests.

This is not a life that is supported by the society that we live in but it is a life ideally suited to me. Add in abundant time in nature (which hey, guess what? I had my own home with a pool, I was out in the back yard a lot in the summer) and I’m in heaven. Of course I was regulated. Of course this was the only time in my life that I’ve ever felt truly healthy.
My task then, (and this really is THE task of all neurodivergent folks (and honestly, of all people, it’s just that it comes glaringly into focus for those of us whose needs are further outside of the societal norms), isn’t it?) is to find a way to build a life that suits me within the confines of this oppressive society (all the while, attempting to effect change in any was possible). A life that prizes space and creativity and regulating movement/sound and nature and deep deep dives into the topics that feed my soul…
This is no small task. All the more reason to keep talking about our needs as autistic humans. This is integral to our health, to our very existence. This is essential to a healthy society as a whole.