Content Warning ⚠️

My opinion is rarely (if ever) the popular one. I’ve found myself feeling like I shouldn’t share my opinion or that I should add least sensor it some, time and time again, throughout my life.

I’m not going to do that here.

I will however give this warning, hopefully you read it before engaging with my posts, so that I don’t feel the need to repeat myself.

As I said, my opinion is rarely the most agreed upon one. Because of that people have often taken offense. They’ve thought that I was judging them. I’m want to clear that up right now. I am never judging you individually, dear reader. I myself, am sometimes engaging in the very things I’m protesting about. I feel have no choice for monetary or energy or a host of other reasons. I get that choices/awareness/whatever… Are limited. I am not judging you. I am however judging the system that has caused these things to become the norm. Period. Full stop.

So yeah, there’s my warning. If you choose to feel offended by my thoughts and opinions that’s on you. I am not judging you. I do however hope that I might make you think.

Please feel free to comment whether you agree with me or not. Please provoke my critical thinking…. However, any comments that are coming from a place of attack or hate, will be immediately removed. Multiple comments of this nature from the same reader will result in being banned from the site.

Thank you.