I want to ask anyone that reads this to send love, light, good vibes, juju beans and/or prayers to my mom. Whatever it is that you do. Whatever it is that you got. As long as it’s positive and healing, it’s appreciated.
My mom had knee replacement surgery last Wednesday. She’s been home since Thursday. Her knee seems to be doing well but she’s been having other issues. She’s now in the ICU with a blood clot in her lungs and scarily low sodium levels.
I do know and understand that our medical system can and does save lives but with the way that it’s set up, oftentimes it does more harm than good. It feels like a conveyor belt trudging along, patient in, patient out, as quickly as you can. This assembly line process is further hampered by bureaucratic bullshit and many physicians who assume that their medical license e makes them all knowing demigods. The system is not set up to hear patients.
In my personal life, the stories of people injured by our medical system in ways that could have easily been prevented had someone simply listened to the patient and gave them the benefit of the doubt are myriad. Like hey, maybe because it’s your body, you might have some useful input. I know someone who was sent home from the ER with medication for a migraine, after telling the doctor that they’ve had migraines their whole life and this doesn’t feel like one, only to have a stroke. Someone else who made repeated trips to the ER… It’s just the flu, nope an issue with their thyroid that caused brain damage. A young woman who died after thyroid surgery. She complained that she couldn’t breathe. They gave her anxiety meds, she was hemorrhaging. I could go on and on.
Myself, specifically, was sent home from the hospital when I had my son, after repeatedly saying that I didn’t feel right and thought I should stay. I was sent back two days later with postpartum preeclampsia. I could have easily died. I went only went to the doctor for severe constipation. I had no idea that blood pressure was sky high.
I’m writing this to ask you to send my mom love. I truly believe that healing energy helps. But I also want to spread awareness about the importance of listening to yourself above your doctor when something feels wrong in your body. My mom has been complaining about symptoms that didn’t seem right to her since she had the surgery. No one listened. I’d like to say throw a fit but I know from personal experience that that may not be enough. My partner threw a hell of one after my C-section, they still sent me home. My advice? Threaten legal action. Keep screaming until someone listens. Your life may be on the line.
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